WATERLILY Additive seating

  • Design: Troels Grum-Schwensen
  • Manufacturer: +Halle
  • Design: 2002-2003
  • Publicized: 2005


WATERLILY is an architectural element, as much as it is a piece of furniture.

For waiting-rooms, receptions and lounges of any kind.


Like clusters of waterlily’s in a lake, WATERLILY can be arranged in various organic formations and patterns, adapting to the specific room.


For every element added, it is possible to change the direction in space. – In that way customized patterns can easily be created, without losing the integrity and wholeness of the furniture.


The surface of each seating-unit is – by delicious sewing’s – discretely parted in five pieces without connections to the four main-directions in most rooms and therefore allowing a totally free composition.


The simplicity and calmness of the elements makes even very huge clusters appear harmonious and architectural. The organic shape of clusters of WATERLILYs will make a nice contrast to most rectangular rooms. The absence of straight lines eliminates problems with the, often seen, messy appearance of rectangular furniture with lines not exactly following a straight wall.


When launched in 2005, WATERLILY was given the FX/PRIMA award for product-excellence and best design at the fair.